You are here: About importing properties from Excel > Creating and editing mapping templates

Creating and editing mapping templates

Mapping templates define how columns in Excel spreadsheets correspond to document properties in Project Portal. Users with sufficient access rights can view, edit, create, and delete mapping templates.

Before you begin

The Excel spreadsheet must exist before you can create a mapping template to use it. Project Portal 2015 supports files in Microsoft Excel 97-2003 format. Only the first worksheet will be imported. Column names may appear in the first row of the spreadsheet. You can select the first data row with the First data row in Excel option described below.

To create a mapping template:

  1. Click your name in the tab strip. On the shortcut menu that appears, click Settings. The configuration tree appears in the left pane.
  2. In the configuration tree, expand the workspace name that you want to configure.
  3. Click Excel mappings. A page listing the active mapping templates appears.
  4. Click New. A page showing the mapping template creation options appears.
  5. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Excel mapping options
Option Description

Excel table for update

Click Browse and select an existing Excel file. The path to the file appears in the text box. If no file is specified, Project Portal will use the following defaults:

  • The second row will be used as the first data row.
  • Column data will be imported into the property with the same name as specified in the first row of the column.
  • The action for all columns will be Edit.

Based on mapping

From the list, select an existing mapping template from which you want to copy existing settings or select New to start with empty settings. This option is only visible if existing mapping templates exist.

  1. Click Configure mapping. A page showing the mapping template options appears. If you selected an existing mapping template in step 5, the settings are copied to the new template.
  2. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Mapping template options
Option Description

Save mapping as

Type a name for the mapping template.

Workspace wide mapping

Select this option to make the mapping template available to all users in the workspace. By default, templates are only available to the user that created them.

Document number for export template

Type the Document number of an existing document in the workspace to use when exporting properties. The latest version of the document must have an Excel file attached.

First data row in Excel

Select the row that represents the first row of property values in the spreadsheet.


For each column in the Excel spreadsheet, select a corresponding property name from the list. Only one property may be selected per column.

Note    You must select at least one property to be updated.

Update operation

For each column in the Excel spreadsheet, select a corresponding operation from the list:

  • Skip – Ignore the property during import.
  • Edit value (default) – The current property value will be replaced by the value in the selected Excel column.
  • Match with – Search criteria for finding required Project Portal documents. One to three identifier columns must be selected.
  • Append value – Appends the Excel value to the current value of the selected property, separated by a semicolon (;). The separator character can be configured by a system administrator.
  • Append if not found – Same as Append value except the value is appended only if it does not already exist in the selected property.
  1. Click Save mapping. The page listing the mapping templates reappears with the new template added.

To edit an existing mapping template:

  1. Click your name in the tab strip. On the shortcut menu that appears, click Settings. The configuration tree appears in the left pane.
  2. In the configuration tree, expand the workspace name that you want to configure.
  3. Select Excel mappings. A page listing the active mapping templates appears.
  4. Select the template from the list that you want to edit and click Edit. A page showing the mapping template's configuration appears.
  5. Select or type options using the descriptions in the preceding table.
  6. Click Save mapping. The page listing the mapping templates reappears.

To delete an existing mapping template:

  1. Click your name in the tab strip. On the shortcut menu that appears, click Settings. The configuration tree appears in the left pane.
  2. In the configuration tree, expand the workspace name that you want to configure.
  3. Select Excel mappings. A page listing the active mapping templates appears.
  4. Select the template from the list that you want to delete and click Delete. The page listing the mapping templates reappears with the selected template deleted.

Related concepts

About importing properties from Excel

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